Source code for modelhublib.imageloaders.imageLoader

import six

[docs]class ImageLoader(object): """ Abstract base class for image loaders, following chain of responsibility design pattern. For each image loader you should implement a corresponding image converter using :class:`~modelhublib.imageconverters.imageConverter.ImageConverter` as base class. Args: sucessor (ImageLoader): Next loader in chain to attempt loading the image if this one fails. """ def __init__(self, config, successor = None): self._config = config self._successor = successor
[docs] def setSuccessor(self, successor): """ Setting the next loader in chain of responsibility. Args: sucessor (ImageLoader): Next loader in chain to attempt loading the image if this one fails. """ self._successor = successor
[docs] def load(self, input): """ Tries to load input and on fail forwards load request to next handler until success or final fail. There should be no need to overwrite this. Overwrite only :func:`~_load` to load the image type you want to support and let this function as it is to handle the chain of responsibility and errors. Args: input (str): Name of the input file to be loaded. Returns: Image object as loaded by :func:`~_load` or a successor load handler. Raises: IOError if input could not be loaded by any load handler in the chain. """ try: image = self._load(input) except: if self._successor: return self._successor.load(input) else: if isinstance(input, six.string_types): raise IOError("Was not able to load the file \"%s\"." % input) else: raise IOError("Was not able to load input of type \"%s\"." % type(input).__name__) self._checkConfigCompliance(image) return image
[docs] def _load(self, input): """ Abstract method. Overwrite to implement loading of the input format you want to support. When overwriting this, make sure to raise IOError if input cannot be loaded. Args: input (str): Name of the input file to be loaded. Returns: Should return image object in the native format of the library using to load it. """ raise NotImplementedError("This is a method of an abstract class.")
[docs] def _checkConfigCompliance(self, image): """ Checks if image complies with configuration. There should be no need to overwrite this. Overwrite only :func:`~_getImageDimensions` to supply the image dims to check against config. Args: image: Image object as loaded by :func:`~_load` Raises: IOError if image dimensions do not comply with configuration. """ imageDims = self._getImageDimensions(image) limits = self._config["model"]["io"]["input"]["dim_limits"] for i in range(3): if ((("min" in limits[i]) and (limits[i]["min"] > imageDims[i])) or (("max" in limits[i]) and (limits[i]["max"] < imageDims[i]))): raise IOError("Image dimensions %s do not comply with input requirements" % str(tuple(imageDims)))
[docs] def _getImageDimensions(self, image): """ Abstract method. Should return the dimensions of the loaded image, should be a 3 tuple (z, y, x). Overwrite this in an implementation of this interface. This function is used by :func:`~modelhublib.imageloaders.imageLoader.ImageLoader._checkConfigCompliance`. Args: image: Image object as loaded by :func:`~modelhublib.imageloaders.imageLoader.ImageLoader._load` Returns: Should return image dimensions of the image object. """ raise NotImplementedError("This is a method of an abstract class.")